First days of aerospace exhibition MAKS 2019 was pretty dynamic.
Stanf of LAROS Company in was the place to meet many significant persons in aviation. The test-pilot, Hero of Russia, Sergei Bogdan, CEO of SibNIA Vladimir Barsuk, Head of Russian Aircrafts Federation and Head of Corporation Roscosmos – Dmitry Rogozin.
We presented to Dmitry Rogozin all of our avia and space projects such as flying laboratory on LAROS-31 aircraft, avia engine M14-P and of course our test bench for rocket’s engines. «The first day of MAKS finished very quickly, — said Oleg Larionov, President of LAROS Company. – It’s very important for us that our projects and ideas is so interesting for specialists of avia and space industry. We continue to make progress».